Domestic violence is the leading cause of homelessness for women, with close to half of all women reporting that domestic violence was the precursor to their homelessness. Research shows that 1/3 of all domestic violence survivors report becoming homeless upon leaving their abuser.
If you think you may be the victim of domestic violence, please seek help from a Domestic Violence Advocate. Call us at 719-275-2429.
There are a number of reasons for this. One major contributor to homelessness for domestic violence survivors is financial abuse. Along with physical and/or emotional abuse, financial abuse is present in 98% of abusive relationships and it is the #1 reason victims stay in abusive relationships.
Financial abuse is when a victim is denied access to household funds, and this can even occur when they contribute to the household budget through their job. No access to bank funds or credit cards makes it almost impossible for someone to leave.
Financial abuse also includes the victim being isolated and "not being allowed" to work. This puts someone in a situation with poor employment and/or credit history, making it difficult to find a job once they decide to leave.
Domestic violence often includes isolation from family and friends who would normally be able to provide support for the victim once they leave the abusive relationship.
As you can see a victim is often presented with the choice between staying with the abuser and having food and shelter for herself and her children, or becoming homeless, often with her children.
Housing for victims is a necessary component of a victim being able to leave and start a new life without abuse.
If you think you may be the victim of domestic violence, please seek help from a Domestic Violence Advocate. Call us at 719-275-2429.